How to Quickly Find Thousands of Low Competition Keywords & Rank Within Days

Hey Reader,

Want to know the secret to quickly ranking and driving traffic (especially for new or low authority websites)? It's answering questions!

Sure, you can manually search Google and review the "People Also Asked" section, or use tools like and find questions people are asking that way.

But what I'm going to show you today makes this whole process a breeze.

All you need is SEMrush to export all the keywords, then Content at Scale to import them all and automatically create the optimized content for you. In just a few minutes you can have up to 100 (or more) blog posts ready to go! 🤯

This will be the most important SOP you'll need for your SEO efforts.

Step 1: Finding All the Best Keywords

First things first, fire up SEMrush and simply input your primary topic. I call this the "Seed" keyword. Let's say you have a website around landscaping or lawn care. You would simply input "lawn care":

In the middle, you see a section for "Questions". There's 3,572 questions people are typing into Google that use keyword.

Click "View all 3,572 keywords" and on the next page export this entire list to an XLSX file.

You could do another search for "landscaping" and another for "mowing" and another for "gardening" if you wanted to expand on the total keywords available to you. Just merge them all into one excel file and remove duplicates.

Step 2: Sorting the Keywords

Next, you want to create two additional worksheets in this file. You can label them something like "No Comp" and another for "Zero Search". Take the top row from the main worksheet and add it to each of these two sheets.

On the main worksheet with all the keywords, sort by the Keyword Difficulty column. Highest to lowest.

Scroll down to where the difficulty is empty and grab ALL the remaining keywords.

Cut those and place those into the No Comp tab.

Then, sort the No Comp tab by the Volume column. Highest to lowest.

Take all the one's with 0 Volume and put that into the "Zero Search" tab.

If you have a brand new website, I would recommend starting on those Zero Search keywords. These are keywords that show up in keyword tools and in Google's people also ask. Go through them to filter out any obscure ones.

Tools report "zero" search volume, but it is more likely that there just isn't enough data for it.

In fact, our sample post targeting "Is content marketing the same as copywriting?" was a zero search keyword. It was indexed 2 and a half weeks ago and is now page 1 for that term with 11 impressions. But more importantly, it now also ranks for 15 other terms driving nearly 400 impressions already in search results. All from a "Zero Search" keyword that we auto-published without any editing just to use as a sample.

But the real money is in that "No Comp" tab. If you have some domain authority, I recommend starting there.

Those all have known search volume while having zero competition. In this example, we end up with nearly 700 keywords.

These are awesome top of funnel keywords that you can get indexed and ranking on page 1 within a matter of days or weeks.

Step 3: Upload to Content at Scale

Take the No Comp (or Zero Search) tab and copy all that. Paste that into a new file and save it as a CSV.

Then, upload the CSV to a project within Content at Scale.

Now, you can quickly create content for some or all of those keywords at the click of a button.

That's right, full blog posts get created simply based on the keyword and they look like this right out of the box.

Literally, within a few minutes you can have TONS of content for your site. The best part? You start seeing results quickly with this keyword strategy.

We're working on a video tutorial to go more in-depth. It will be put into our new Knowledge Base.

Speaking of new things...

New Updates

We just rolled out an update to FAQs to get less repetitive answers AND now the FAQs will be put into Google's Q&A schema. This will help it rank in search results and a higher chance of those being pulled into answer boxes.

Several other updates have been rolled out around account management (you can finally see how many post credits you have remaining at the top), top off your post credits with additional one-off post credits (billed based on your tier's price per post), and several other minor UI tweaks.

Some exciting things are being worked on for deeper content and several major WordPress plugin updates. Stay tuned!

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Julia McCoy

Content Pioneer | From scaling a 100-person content agency to leading the AI content frontier at Content at Scale and Content Hacker. Join the weekly Friday CASUal (50k+)

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